21 October 2011

Rokok Terakhir sebelum Mutassim 'Anak Khadafy' Tewas

Bersandar di tembok dengan sebatang rokok dan sebotol air mineral, Muttasim masih hidup sebelum kemudian terbaring di sofa dan meninggal akibat luka parah yg diderita.The new Libyan government’s TV channel broadcast a close-up showing Mutassim in what appeared to be a hospital.

Mutassim sesaat sebelum tewas....
Alive: Mutassim Gaddafi drinks water and smokes a cigarette before his death in Sirte

Masih hidup: Mutassim Khadafy minum dan merokok sebelum tewas

A wound is visible on Moutassim's neck and his clothes are spattered with blood as he looks resigned to his fate

Terlihat luka di leher Mutassim

Moments before death: Mutassim lies on a sofa, his white vest bloodied after his capture

Momen sebelum tewas : Mutassim terbaring di sofa, bajunya berlumuran darah

Dead: Gaddafi's son Mutassim was also killed in a firefight in Sirte

Tewas: Mutassim Khadafy meninggal dalam serangan udara NATO di Sirte

Mutassim terkenal dengan kehidupan mewahnya, pernah mengundang artis papan atas seperti Maria Carey dan Beyonce, Jon Bon Jovi serta Jay Z dalam sebuah pesta private.

Before the fall of Libya to forces loyal the National Transitional Council, Mutassim lived a life of excess, once telling an girlfriend he spent £1.3million a month

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